All our production departments are well-equipped with the latest, machinery imported from Germany and England, and well-staffed with the expert technicians trained from our strategic joint venture network.
Raw Material Department
At SUMED INTERNATIONAL, we believe that quality can only be achieved through quality raw material. As such, the best quality Raw-materials (S.S. Strips, Round Bars, S.S.Coils and S.S.Tubes) are imported directly from Japan & France and are subjected to composition and hardness testing through our in-house Laboratory in order to ensure that only the best materials are passed on to production departments.
Forging Department
The Company has its own Forging Section where Forgings are made through Drop Hammer process by seasoned operators using Dyes made of the best-quality imported D-2 Steel. The Forgings are later put through various process like ring trimming, and acid cleaning / pickling by those well-versed in these processes before they are passed to Milling department.
Milling Department
Our Milling / Machining Section have about 35 Milling / Lathe/Drill/Grinding Machines which are manned by the exceptionally well-trained experts for good milling of the ratchets, teeth, box-making, and for all other related processes for ensuring exact perfection before filing. For this purpose, top-quality imported cutters are used throughout the machines with intense scrutiny on quality production.
Filing Department
The process of filing is then carried out by foreign trained professionals in order to ensure high standard of exactitude and precision. Heat Treatment SUMED INTERNATIONAL has an in-house Heat Treatment Department equipped with top-quality Vacuum Furnace imported from England, where qualified staff and engineers trained by the English Suppliers are engaged in treating the instruments in order to add strength to the steel and perfect the metallurgical composition for further processes.
Polishing & Grinding Department
The Electro-polishing and Grinding Departments are manned by seasoned workmen using imported Chemicals and best quality grinding wheels to ensure the best-quality finish. More than 10 halls housing approximately 150 trained technicians are employed for this process as it is an important process for quality finishing of any instrument.
TC Department
Our Tungsten Carbide (T.C.) Department is installed with the best-quality induction machinery being manned by the exceptionally well-trained experts of German Technology. The T.C. Tips and the soldering material are imported from Germany to ensure matchless quality and precision. The department also utilizes laser welding machinery for superior results and unbreakable strength.
Coating Department
Our coating department is capable of providing Gold plated instruments as well as powder coated instruments depending upon the requirements of the instruments or the customer. All coating related raw materials are imported from European countries so that no compromise on quality can be made. Furthermore, each coating is inspected for quality before any instrument is passed on to the next department.
DDJ Department
A new addition to our departments is the Diamond Dusted Jaws (DDJ) department. Here, using the latest technology we diamond dust the jaws of those instruments which are used for holding purposes during medical procedures. This process adds strength to the gripping quality of instruments and increases the life of usage.
Passivation Department
Using the top-quality imported Chemicals in our Passivation Department we boil test and passivate each and every instrument for 24 hours before packing. If need arises, the instruments are re-passivated so as to eliminate any chances of rusting or corrosion during the life of the instrument. Our instruments are rust-free for life though we give guarantee for three years.
Sandblasting Department
Using imported machines and quality materials, we sand blast the surface of instruments to achieve the proper finishing requirements as demanded by our customers. The process is done by English trained craftsmen and is a source of pride for the company where quality instruments are concerned.
Currently etching on the instruments is being done in-house through a chemical-electrical process. Stamping facilities are also available if requested by customer. The company plans to apply laser-etching technology for its reusable grade instruments in the near future.
Few of our production facility images are as under.